An open source Content Management System (CMS), Drupal is a platform powering different types of web presence as well as applications. This CMS is written in PHP as well as circulated within the GNU General Public License. Drupal helps you create everything from personal blogs to business applications. It operates on any computer platform that accepts web server and is able to run PHP and database in order to store content along with configuration.
Who uses Drupal?
Content management system Drupal is mostly used by the much local business which also includes global corporations, diverse organisation and much more.
These are some of the areas where Drupal is used:
- News publishing
- Intranet/Business websites
- Art, Music, Multimedia
- institutions
- Government offices
- Transportation
- Non-profit/ NGO
- Education
Drupal as Web content Management
Drupal puts out a particular web page and shares content within numerous languages across different devices. Many technology experts go for reliability, security and the flexibility to build the features that are willing devoid of heavy features which they do not require. They need a platform that is strong in architecture, integrating within third party applications. Drupal offers all these features meeting each and every business as well as technological requirements.
Advantages of Using Drupal CMS
1. Contains various functionality
Drupal contains various functionalities such as advanced menu management, graphics modification tool, polls management, user management and many others. With these functions, it is very easy to develop simple and advanced website along with discussion boards, social networking sites, blogs and much more.
2. Includes great building Tools and Templates
Drupal benefits you with the basic building blocks of the website within a module style format wherever the content and rules can be created rapidly. During the use of templates along with themes, it does not need, to begin with, the initial phase, does not matter whether you are creating complex or else simple site.
3. Multi-featured CMS
Drupal is a multi-featured CMS with all the essential features. This helps webmaster or a blogger to develop a remarkable and attractive website. The main common admired features of Drupal CMS are system administration menu management, maintenance, user login and registration along with page layout customization. Such features of Drupal CMS facilitate users to develop any sort of website which may be either a simple personal blog or a professional e-commerce site.
4. Highly developed user management
Using Drupal CMS, an admin can generate new user accounts and set up their authorization rights. Users can also be categorised into different groups for the specific task performed by them. Permissions can be provided to them in order to manage different parts of features of sites.
5. Admirable Content Creation
Drupal CMS contains an attractive feature that is admirable content creation. Through this feature, the user is able to add many effective and helpful modules such as blogs, revision controls, and videos within their blog.
6. Develop Dynamic designs
Drupal provides different types of themes and templates that are simply identifiable within the public. Many users desire to utilise its design materials to develop their personal dynamic design. The presentation layer of the system enables for easy usability and better experience.
Consequently, Drupal is one of the well recognised Content Management System. This CMS can be used by any individuals or group of users, even the one who does not have adequate technical skill.
Are you willing to develop your website using Drupal CMS? If yes, Get in Touch